Ontario Party - Charter PDF
As ratified by the Board of Directors of the Ontario Party
on the 21st day of October of the year 2021.
We the Citizens of the Province of Ontario…
- Acknowledging the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law;
- Affirming the Unity of the Dominion of Canada under the Crown;
- Guided by a solemn desire to ensure the common good of the people of Ontario, present and future, while respecting the inherited wisdom and sacrifice of previous generations embodied in our culture and traditions;
- Do hereby create the Ontario Party, to promote and provide compassionate and responsible government of the Province of Ontario in accordance with the following principles:
Declaration of Principles
- We believe that all human beings have an inalienable right to life, liberty, and private property. We believe that an individual may only have these rights restricted or deprived if he or she threatens to deprive another individual of these same rights. We believe that the right to life is the most important human right, from which all other rights are derived. We therefore affirm the right of the individual to ensure his or her own safety and self-preservation, and that of their loved ones, from any entity that would threaten physical harm;
- We believe in the presumption of innocence and the right to justice and a fair trial without undue delay regardless of economic circumstances, social standing, ethnic, cultural, or ideological affiliation, or biological trait;
- We believe in the ethical, responsible, and accountable execution of the mandate of government which, in a free and just society, is to guarantee and safeguard the inalienable rights listed above;
- We believe in limited government and the indispensable role that autonomous institutions such as places of worship, family, and any other voluntary associations play in maintaining those limits by balancing and diffusing the power and size of the state;
- We recognize the family as the basic building block of a healthy and functional society and the best place for healthy and responsible citizens to be formed. We believe in honouring parents as the primary educators of their children, and respecting the values they choose to live and raise their children by;
- We believe in freedom of conscience, freedom of worship and religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association and assembly;
- We reject the divisive politics of envy, resentment, group identity, and ethnic exceptionalism. As a result, we believe that government should instead encourage independence and voluntary collaboration, celebrate hard work, creativity, and entrepreneurship, and inspire personal success, which are the only vehicles for wealth to be created, technological innovation to occur, and for communities to thrive and individuals to be lifted from poverty;
- We believe in the good stewardship of our natural environment and its resources, their responsible exploration, development, renewal, and conservation, as vital to the health, economic well-being, and quality of life of all stakeholders of our society;
- We believe in small, decentralized government that respects regional interests and empowers local government to develop and execute policies that reflect the needs and concerns of the citizens of those regions, insofar as these do not cause harm to other regions of the province;
- We acknowledge that the people may choose for the government to provide certain essential services that the private sector is unable, or unfit to provide. We reject, however, the practice of government enforced or enabled monopolies, and hold that any monopoly stifles competition and innovation, and that any existing monopoly should only be tolerated where it has naturally arisen, and its existence is unavoidable and demonstrably necessary for the safe, effective, and efficient delivery of that service;
- We believe balanced budgets to be the most responsible fiscal policy. We affirm that a surplus budget is over-taxation, and that interest payments paid on deficit budgets reduce the amount of funding public services can receive per dollar of tax revenue collected. We acknowledge that a responsible government may be compelled under extenuating circumstances to adopt a budget that is not balanced, but we firmly reject the practice of running continuing budget deficits, and declare it to be the direct result of gross mismanagement of public funds. We will trust citizens to best decide how to dispose of their hard-earned income, and its allocation in the betterment of society, and will therefore seek to keep the tax burden upon the taxpayer at a reasonable minimum.
Party Governance
Governing Documents
- The Ontario Party Constitution is the principal governing document of the Party.
- The Ontario Party Constitution consists of two parts: (i) the “Charter”, and (ii) the “Articles of Constitution”.
- The Charter consists of the “Mandate”, the “Declaration of Principles”, and “Party Governance”. Once ratified, the Charter with all its sections may not be edited or replaced for as long as the Ontario Party continues to exist.
- The Ontario Party’s Articles of Constitution is a living document and may be amended and edited by the members of the party in conformity to the Charter, with the restriction that no addition, edit, or deletion may be made to contradict any part of the Charter.
- The Ontario Party Constitution is a public document and must be made readily available to any member of the party or any individual interested in becoming a member of the party.
Administrative Organization
Administrative Councils
The administrative structure of the Ontario Party shall be grouped into operating councils as follows:
- The Executive Council is composed of the Party President and the Party CFO.
- The Leadership Council is composed of the Executive Council and the Party Leader.
- The Party’s Board of Directors is composed of the Executive Council and the Advisory Council.
- The Advisory Council is composed of the individuals who advise the Executive Council on matters of party governance.
- The Provincial Council is composed of all members of the Regional Councils, the Leadership Council, and the Advisory Council.
- A Regional Council is composed of the Regional President and all presidents of EDA's belonging to that region.
Administrative positions in the party shall be governed by the following directives:
- No administrative position in the Party shall be held by an individual who is not a member of the Ontario Party;
- No individual who holds membership in another provincial political party in Ontario may be a member of the Ontario Party. Joining another provincial political party in Ontario shall immediately revoke an individual’s membership in the Ontario Party;
- Any member of the Ontario Party seeking to become the Leader of the Party must:
- In writing, affirm the Declaration of Principles , and swear to abide by the Constitution ; and
- Be unanimously approved by the Executive Council;
- Any member of the Ontario Party seeking to be a candidate for the Party in an election must:
- In writing, affirm the Declaration of Principles , and swear to abide by the Constitution ; and
- Be approved by the Leadership Council, and the Ontario Party’s EDA for the riding they are seeking to represent;
- Where the Party’s President does not fulfill his or her duties as specified in the Charter , he or she must immediately resign and be replaced by a suitable candidate who will uphold this responsibility faithfully;
- Where the Party’s CFO does not fulfill his or her duties as specified in the Charter , he or she must immediately resign and be replaced by a suitable candidate who will uphold this responsibility faithfully;
- Where the Party’s Leader does not fulfill his or her duties, he or she shall be replaced by a suitable candidate who will uphold this responsibility faithfully;
- A leadership review of any member of the Leadership Council may be initiated by a two thirds majority vote of the Regional Council members. Upon completion of the review, if sufficient cause is found, a second vote shall be held to remove the member of the Leadership Council in question in accordance with the process established in the Articles of Constitution;
- All EDA presidents and CFOs must be approved by the Executive Council;
- All further rules for election or appointment to administrative positions shall be determined in the Articles of Constitution.
Role and duties of the members of the Executive Council
The role of the Ontario Party’s Executive Council is to:
- Uphold the Declaration of Principles , ensure the Party Governance is being honoured, and enforce the Constitution;
- Maintain the proper functioning of the Party; and
- Carefully safeguard and administer changes to the Articles of Constitution for compliance with the Charter . Therefore, all changes to the Articles of Constitution must be approved by the Executive Council.
Role and duties of the Leader
The role of the Ontario Party’s Leader is to:
- Positively promote the Ontario Party and its values to the province at large;
- Expand the party in between elections by recruiting new members, and to recruit and attract high quality candidates that hold the Party’s values; and
- Ensure the highest possible level of success for the Party’s candidates as they represent the party during an election.
Conscience Rights
Freedom of Expression and Conscience Rights in Ontario
All citizens of Ontario, among other rights, are
guaranteed freedom of expression and freedom of conscience
under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter
specifically protects individuals from acts by their
governments that would violate those rights. However, as
has become increasingly apparent, governments—both federal
and provincial—can, and do, violate those rights with
increasing regularity and ease.
For example, in Ontario, members of professional
organizations and those seeking employment in certain
fields, on pain of losing their right to work or advance
in their career, are being compelled to complete
ideological attestations that demand how they must think.
These attestations are unrelated to their competency in
the job and, for many, at odds with their beliefs and
moral convictions.
Doctors in Ontario opposed to assisted suicide are now
compelled to assist by referral or they lose their licence
to practice.
Some employees are losing jobs and certain students are
being punished by university administrators or mobbed by
campus groups for the “crime” of supporting legally held
conservative positions.
In the fall of 2021, with the launch of vaccine passports,
citizens who requested that their right to freedom of
conscience, informed consent, medical privacy, and bodily
autonomy be respected, had their request overruled. In the
absence of sufficient cause, they were banned from public
life, fired from their jobs, or removed from their college
or university programs.
These few examples cannot do justice to the vast list of
cases that exist. However, an Ontario Party Government
will do justice and reverse this trend.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Use all means at its disposal to ensure that no Ontario
citizen can be compelled to commit an act, or
communicate an idea, that directly contradicts their
sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions
deemed legal under the Criminal Code and protected by
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Neither the
provincial government, its affiliated bodies, nor those
organizations that receive provincial government funding
will be permitted to breach the conscience rights of a
We believe in the presumption of innocence and the right
to justice and a fair trial without undue delay
regardless of economic circumstances, social standing,
ethnic, cultural, or ideological affiliation, or
biological trait;
Strengthen the definition of “creed” as applied at the
level of the province to allow for equal protection of
sincerely held, identity-informing, moral convictions
not rooted in religious belief.
Guarantee that all Ontarians, but particularly those of
conservative worldview (as they are currently subjected
to the greatest censorship and discrimination), can
exercise their freedom of expression to its fullest
extent as allowed by law.
Withhold provincial funding from any provincially
subsidized organization that compels any of its members
to contradict or disavow their legally protected
religious beliefs or moral convictions; or discriminates
against, or punishes, any of its members for their
protected and legal exercise of free expression.
Establish a separate government office specifically
dedicated to guarding the free expression and conscience
rights of Ontario citizens and aiding those who have
experienced a breach of those rights.
Education: K-12
A New Focus for Kindergarten to Grade 12
According to the current provincial government’s own data,
year after year, the math and literacy skills of students
in Ontario continues to decline. At the same time, growing
numbers of parents are expressing shock and frustration as
school time and resources are diverted from the teaching
of core academic skills toward “ideological” instruction.
Often, such instruction promotes hostility and division
based on misleading theories about race and gender.
Parents feel powerless as schools and school boards refuse
to heed their calls for reforms. Children feel cheated
when they discover they’re ill-prepared for higher
education or employment. An Ontario Party government will
reform the province's K to 12 educational system so that
public schools return to their core mandate, toxic
instruction is removed from the classroom and parents and
children have the power of educational choice.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Through educational vouchers, fund K to Grade 12
students directly allowing families to choose the
education providers that best meet their children’s
Currently, Ontario public schools spend an average of
$12,500 per student per year. Between two-thirds and a
third of that funding will follow the child to wherever
they receive an education—whether it be a charter,
private or home school. Parents of children with special
needs who choose charter, private or home school will
receive additional funding to support their child in
their chosen classroom.
Allow entrepreneurs, parent associations, and
community groups to establish charter schools in
Unlike private schools, charter schools receive
government funding--though significantly less than
public schools—and charge no tuition. Charter schools
have the freedom to operate in a more streamlined,
focused fashion, and can design curriculums meant to
promote higher intellectual outcomes and greater success
for diverse student populations. The “charter” is the
contract between the school and the government that
details the high standards the school must meet in order
to continue to receive funding. Research shows that
charter schools, on average, outperform public schools
in terms of meeting or exceeding established educational
outcomes. In particular, these same studies show that
children and youth from disadvantaged communities
experience some of the greatest successes when
transferred from a public school to a charter school.
Make it illegal for public school teachers to promote
partisan political positions or to engage in personal
political activism in the classroom.
Overhaul K to 12 public school curricula by 1)
implementing proven best practices in mathematics,
science, and literacy gleaned from international
jurisdictions with established records of student
success; 2) removing curricula not specifically
tailored to core academic competencies, especially
material meant to instil subjective beliefs and values
related to sexuality.
Require public school teachers to provide parents
with detailed accounts of day-to-day instructional
material prior to its delivery and empower parents
with the right to opt their child out of specific
lessons that can be proven to be at odds with their
sincerely held religious beliefs or moral
Make it illegal for any teacher, school
administrator, or any school board official to teach,
disseminate or promote materials to students that
explicitly or implicitly state:
Men (male) and women (female) do not exist as
separate, biological, realities;
An individual, by virtue or the individual’s race or
sex, is inherently privileged, racist, sexist, or
oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously;
An individual should be discriminated against or
receive adverse treatment because of the
individual’s race or sex;
An individual, by virtue or the individual’s race or
sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in
the past by other members of the same race or sex;
A particular Canadian province or Canada itself is
fundamentally or irredeemably racist or sexist.
Establish a government office empowered to
investigate and discipline school personnel who breach
this new education legislation protecting students
from ideological indoctrination.
Education: Post Secondary
Making Campuses Safe for Ideas
Post-secondary education is of greatest value to students
when ideas can be explored freely. Sadly, numerous
show that free inquiry and open debate is being stifled in
Ontario’s colleges and universities. Presenting credible
arguments that challenge the preferred viewpoint of
administrators or powerful faculty groups can lead to the
cancellation of guest speakers, the demotion or firing of
dissenting faculty, or the disciplining or expulsion of
students. An Ontario Party government will protect freedom
of expression and ideological diversity in post-secondary
An Ontario Party Government will:
Prohibit the censoring of speech on campus, such that
universities may not restrict the content of legal
expression of their faculty, students, or invited
visiting speakers beyond what is acceptable off campus.
Require universities to create transparent guidelines
for students protesting speakers that offend them.
Specifically, the guidelines must clearly prohibit
protesting students from disrupting or interfering with
the rights of others to speak and to listen.
Stop universities from imposing security fees on
recognized campus groups, staff or faculty for lectures
or visiting speakers they sponsor.
Incentivize universities to achieve ideological
diversity amongst their faculty in each department.
Establish simple and effective legal means by which
faculty and students, individually or collectively, can
enforce the provisions of the above initiatives in civil
New Post-Secondary Educational Pathways
The experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that
post-secondary education can be delivered in innovative,
non-traditional ways. An Ontario Party Government wants to
make it easier for pedagogical entrepreneurs in our
province to establish new ways of delivering high-quality,
less expensive post-secondary education.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Seek proposals from new consortiums or established
educational entities for alternative post-secondary
institutions and experiences. These new institutes of
accredited post-secondary learning will not receive
provincial government funding; however, if approved for
operation, their students could access provincial
government loans available generally for certain
post-secondary education.
Targeting Post-Secondary Funding
Currently the Ontario government, or more precisely our
province’s taxpayers, cover nearly half--about
46%--of a post-secondary student’s program costs. That
funding is not allocated by job market need: a student in
a program proven to have few related job prospects after
graduation can access the same levels of government
funding as others (while their levels of funding are the
same, their levels of
defaulting on repayment
is significantly higher). An Ontario Party Government will
incentivize students to funnel into those post-secondary
programs for which there is the most labour market demand
and greatest opportunity for personal career success.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Lower the cost of tuition for those post-secondary
programs leading to careers with the most labour market
demand. Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) loans
will also be made more easily available to students
accessing those high demand programs.
Make it virtually free for qualified applicants to train
in the skilled trades.
Remove most, or all, of provincial subsidization for
post-secondary programs for which labour market demand
is low. OSAP loans for these degrees will be made more
competitive. Conversely, to ensure highly qualified
applicants are not excluded from such programs, a
limited number of government scholarships will be
created for top high school graduates who choose to
enrol in these now-more-expensive programs.
Correcting Government Abuses Committed During the Pandemic
Over the past two years, the Covid-19 pandemic has led our
federal and provincial governments to implement extreme
measures as a way of mitigating harm to citizens. However,
as time and research has shown, many of those measures
have done more harm than good. In Ontario, the economic
and societal harm done by our current government’s
misguided measures has been compounded by sitting
politicians who—despite the growing body of empirical
evidence that exposes the folly of their decisions—refuse
to admit their errors or commit to a full and speedy
reversal of their damaging actions.
The Ontario Party is committed to restoring what our
current politicians decimated in the name of Covid-19 and
is equally committed to ensuring the government-imposed
mistakes and abuses of the last two years are never
repeated again.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Immediately end any remaining restrictions on personal
autonomy and liberty that have been instituted by the
Ford government in the name of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pass legislation that virtually outlaws the provincial
government’s ability to impose lockdowns, restrictions,
and mandates like those of the last two years by
establishing clear and onerously high criteria that must
be met before any measures overriding citizens’ Charter
rights can be enacted.
Require businesses and organizations that fired or
suspended employees without pay for vaccine
non-compliance return those workers to their original
positions of employment. Post-secondary students
deregistered for non-compliance must be readmitted,
course credits lost due to removal before semester’s end
must be amended to reflect the grade at which the
student stood before being unjustly banned from campus.
Assist Ontario residents who suffered permanent injuries
caused by any of the Covid-19 vaccines in pursuing legal
actions against responsible parties including
pharmaceutical companies, government & bureaucratic
officials, employers & educational administrators.
Ensure resources and staff in Ontario’s hospitals,
retirement homes, and other related facilities are
sufficient to keep the medically vulnerable, in
particular the elderly, safe and healthy.
Enforce extreme penalties against employers and other
organizations requiring private medical information as a
condition of employment or education or using coercive
methods to compel subordinates to endure an unwanted
medical procedure.
Pass legislation that gives the citizens of Ontario the
strongest protections for freedom of conscience, freedom
of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of
assembly, while simultaneously inflicting the greatest
penalties upon those who would obstruct those freedoms.
In particular, places of worship will be deemed
essential services with the rights that affords.
Digital ID
Stopping Doug Ford’s Digital ID System
The government of Doug Ford has announced it will be
bringing in a digital identity system this fall. All your
government issued identification and potentially other
official identification issued by cooperating
organizations that are currently held as physical cards
will be transferred and contained in an app on a
The government will have the ability to monitor and
control all use of your electronic identification.
Your new electronic identification will be used to apply
for government services, perform banking, or participate
in other daily activities.
Doug Ford’s government claims that the digital
identification system is being implemented for the
purposes of convenience. He vigorously denies that the new
system will be used to track citizens, violate privacy, or
punish those opposed to government policies.
Recent events show that current politicians are not to be
In 2021 our federal government illegally tracked the cell
phones of over
30 million citizens
to determine if members of the public were following
Covid-19 lockdown orders. When your digital ID reveals
your every move, how will the provincial government make
use of that information?
In February of this year, the Trudeau Liberals, as
punishment for disagreeing with their government,
froze the bank accounts
of citizens who legally supported the anti-mandates
Freedom Convoy Protest in Ottawa. Doug Ford gave his full
support to this extreme government overreach.
Specific to Ford, in the summer of 2021 he
explicitly promised
his government would not require proof of Covid
vaccination as it would violate individual citizens'
medical privacy. He lied.
Ford further claimed that his government would not allow
citizens to be fired or face other punishment for
exercising freedom of conscience when it came to
vaccination. He lied.
We’ve seen the harm that can be inflicted by governments
who do not protect privacy or ideological diversity.
Giving them more power to inflict more harm makes no
An Ontario Party Government Will:
Oppose attempts provincially or federally to institute a
centralized digital identification system.
Health Care
Reducing Wait Times and Increasing Medical Diversity
Ontario’s health care system is overpriced and
underperforming. Despite being near number one in terms of
funding, compared to other jurisdictions and countries
providing universal health care (i.e., access to care
regardless of ability to pay), our wait times are among
the highest, we have fewer physicians, acute care beds,
and medical technologies such as MRIs and CT scanners.
In 1993 Ontario residents waited 9.3 weeks to see a
medical specialist. Specialist physicians
in 2021 now report a median waiting time of 25.6 weeks
between referral from a general practitioner and receipt
of treatment.
As government, the Ontario Party will explore alternative
care methods including strategies employed in countries
such as Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Each
of these countries maintain universal access health-care
systems funded at levels near that of Ontario, but they
surpass our province in access to health care, health-care
outcomes, or both.
Key to their success has been their willingness to allow
the private sector a role in the delivery of hospital and
surgical care. They also allow residents the choice of
purchasing private medical insurance to supplement
existing public medical coverage. Such private,
supplementary measures facilitate faster access to medical
treatments and a wider selection of providers.
The argument that allowing private hospitals or private
insurance will lead to less wealthy Ontario residents
receiving substandard medical care is incorrect and misses
the larger, positive, impact of these proposals. It has
been observed in European countries employing this mixed
approach that as some citizens access private options,
within the public system wait times decrease significantly
and access to procedures increases.
An Ontario Party Government Will:
Permit non-profit organizations and private corporations
to build, own, and manage hospitals and will permit
citizens to hold supplemental, private medical
Provide funding for greater public hospital bed capacity
and the hiring of thousands of more healthcare workers.
Streamline the process for accreditation of
foreign-trained healthcare professionals who have been
trained in jurisdictions with similar accreditation
standards as Canada.
Open up more spots in Canadian medical schools, which
have become notoriously challenging to gain entry. Many
smart, young prospective Canadian medical students are
travelling to schools in Ireland, the Caribbean and
elsewhere, and then finding jobs in the USA. Time to
keep these smart students at home.
Explore broadening the role of nurse practitioners and
the creation of other, new healthcare provider roles.
Protect and assist private and charitable organizations
providing alternatives to established medical providers
when caring for individuals and families in crisis
situations (e.g., Crisis Pregnancy Care Centres; Covid
Care Alliance).
Protecting Children and Respecting Privacy, Parents, and
In all aspects of governance, an Ontario Party Government
is committed to the protection of children and the
promotion of individual rights, parental rights, and
fiscal responsibility. We will bring those commitments to
our restoration of the healthcare system.
An Ontario Party Government Will:
Prevent the use of non-reversible treatments or
procedures for children and youth under 18 experiencing
gender dysphoria/gender confusion.
Require consent by a parent or legal guardian for any
medical procedure (including vaccination) on minor
Ensure complete privacy and protection of citizens’
medical records.
Require medical personnel to inform all potential
recipients of medical treatments (including those
receiving vaccinations) of the potential benefits and
risks. Medical personnel who do not comply will face
fines or greater punishments.
Reduce costs and duplication in our health system
through reduction in directors, managers, supervisors,
and other administrators.
Establish clear and transparent bookkeeping protocols to
keep managers and administrators financially
Stop funding of medically unnecessary procedures and
Making Housing Affordable Again
Home prices in Ontario have risen 180% in the last decade
while average incomes have risen just 38%. In the last
year alone, the average price rose by about 25%. With an
average home in the province now listing above
one million dollars, working class Canadians can no longer afford a place of
their own to raise their family.
In other G7 nations, there is an average of 471 housing
units per 1,000 residents; in Toronto a study by Scotiabank found just 360 housing units per
1,000 residents.
Simply put, the supply of homes is too low and demand for
homes is too high, and, on both fronts, our current
politicians are mostly to blame for this crisis.
The solution is not government funding funnelled to new
homeowners. As recent history shows, when government money
is made available the market responds with proportional
increases to home prices.
The solution is a new government with bold new policies.
Currently, related to supply, policies of Doug Ford’s
provincial government intentionally restrict the building
of types of homes that could significantly alleviate our
province’s housing crisis. Specifically, through
prohibitive zoning regulations in many urban areas, Ford’s
government prevents construction of family dwellings that
are not single-family homes. Duplexes and fourplexes are
forbidden where they are most needed.
Related to demand, the immigration rates established by
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and fully supported by Doug
Ford’s Progressive Conservatives are putting significant
and unequal pressure on housing prices and availability in
the urban areas of Ontario.
How unequal is the current situation? Ontario alone
almost half of all immigrants to Canada.
Research from the Conference Board of Canada and various
Canadian universities has shown that high and unequal
rates of immigration in Ontario are driving down housing
availability and driving up prices.
For example, a study recently published in the
Canadian Journal of Urban Research
showed high immigration rates have fueled housing prices.
Lead author, University of BC geographer Dan Hiebert,
concluded: “First and foremost, immigration policy is,
essentially, also a form of housing policy.”
While immigration is, in large measure, a federal
jurisdiction, in 2019 Justin Trudeau reaffirmed and
strengthened Quebec's right to set its own immigration policy. To the
disadvantage of all Ontarians, Doug Ford’s government has
made no effort to achieve this same right.
A final factor driving scarcity of houses and increases in
prices is the purchase of Ontario homes by foreign owners.
In some rare cases, foreign ownership has been linked to
money laundering schemes
and organized crime. Again, little action is being taken.
An Ontario Party Government Will:
Introduce sweeping urban-planning reform to adjust
single-family zoning in Ontario’s most housing-deprived
cities. In particular, property owners will be given
more freedom to construct two- and four-unit residential
buildings amidst neighborhoods traditionally reserved
for single-family homes.
Secure the same right to set immigration policy as the
Province of Quebec and use those powers to adjust
immigration rates and settlement patterns with the
ultimate outcome of reducing unsupportable housing
demand in many of Ontario’s urban areas.
Establish an Ontario-focused foreign purchasing ban on
residential homes.
Strike a money laundering task force charged with
rooting out corruption and instituting needed regulatory
changes related to real estate sales and purchases.
Protecting Life
Ending Discrimination Against Pro-Life Ontarians
In Canada generally, and Ontario in particular, citizens
who hold Pro-life views experience the greatest levels of
hostility and discrimination from the medical system, news
media, academia, and current governments.
On pain of job loss, health care providers are forced to
betray their conscience and provide
for abortions and euthanasia.
The media regularly demonize and misrepresent pro-life
citizens. They even refuse to call them by their preferred
moniker, “pro-life,” in favour of the more negative
sounding epithet, “anti-abortion.”
On university and college campuses across the province
pro-life student groups are
club status
or are subjected to
punishment by administration.
Federally, in contravention of citizens’ Charter right to
freedom of conscience and religion, Trudeau’s Liberals
denied funding
to summer camps, soup kitchens, and other charitable
organizations run by Ontarians with pro-life views.
Provincially, the Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne
passed the infamous
“bubble-zone” legislation, Bill 163, restricting free speech and criminalizing
peaceful, pro-life demonstrators outside of abortion
clinics and hospitals performing abortions. Other
legislation has allowed children to get an abortion
without parental knowledge or consent.
Up to now, no provincial government has ever stood up to
this bigotry. None has even acknowledged it exists.
An Ontario Party Government Will:
Introduce conscience rights protections for health care
workers including protecting workers’ jobs if they
choose not to participate in any procedures, including
abortion and euthanasia.
Repeal the “Bubble Zone” legislation, Bill 163, and
restore and protect free speech for all legally held
views, including pro-life views.
Withhold provincial funding to any university or college
that does not protect campus pro-life clubs and afford
them equal status and treatment.
Introduce legislation that: 1) protects a parent’s right
to be informed in advance of any procedure, treatment,
or medication administered to their child; 2) ensures no
child can obtain a procedure, treatment, or medication
without explicit parental consent.
Provide additional funding and support for crisis
pregnancy centers.
Make it easier to adopt and will introduce measures to
better assist pregnant women who may wish to put their
child up for adoption.
Private Property
Protecting Property Rights
The Ontario Party believes that it is the right of every
private citizen to own and enjoy private property.
However, government interference with private property has
become increasingly noticeable in Ontario. In every
community across our province, there are horror stories of
various government authorities entering private property
and making unreasonable demands with the property owners.
Government interference can include fines for trees cut on
private property or the general harassment of landowners
by officials. Lately, we have also seen private homes
deemed ‘Heritage Properties’ without the owner’s consent,
which often results in the property being worth
significantly less.
As government interference with private property becomes
increasingly common, the Ontario Party’s plan to protect
private property is needed now more than ever.
An Ontario Party Government will:
Limit the interference of Conservation Authorities and
other provincially regulated bodies on private property.
This will be done by:
Requiring all Conservation Authorities to either
receive the private property owner’s permission, or
a court order, before entering any privately owned
Establishing a firm property line with respect to
all bodies of water in Ontario. Currently, cases
involving the debate of property lines with respect
to bodies of water are subject to the ruling judge’s
Redirect Conservation Authorities focus from privately
owned property, which only accounts for 13% of all land
in Ontario, back to publicly owned and Crown land.
Require the consent of the private property owner(s)
before any property is labelled a ‘Heritage Property’.
Reduce permits required by the provincial government to
do safety upgrades and maintenance to ‘Heritage
Advocate for a ratification of the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms, to include specific protection of
private property rights.
Remove bureaucracy surrounding the maintenance of
established water drainage systems on both private and
public property.
This would include the removal of the requirement of
permits and environmental studies to clean and
maintain existing Municipal drains.
Remove the ability of Conservation Authorities to halt
the construction of buildings and other structures on
private property, where all building permit requirements
have been met.
Recall Policy
Giving Power Back to the People
There is little accountability for elected representatives
in Ontario once they get elected. The past two years have
highlighted the limited means that Ontario voters have to
keep their MPPs accountable. Many Ontarians are frustrated
with the fact that they only have a say in holding their
MPP accountable on one day every four years during a
provincial election, and after that, they have no means to
ensure that their MPP follows through on their campaign
During election time, most candidates say and promise
whatever they need to garner enough votes to get elected,
and then forget about their campaign promises and
constituents afterwards, focusing instead on toeing the
party line. The result of this is declining voter turnouts
and a growing distrust in our representative democratic
system, which is broken and in need of fixing.
The focus of most MPPs is on voting according to the party
whip so they do not get expelled from the caucus and are
able to keep advancing in their political career by never
stepping out of the party line. This always comes at the
expense of them being able to represent their
constituents' voices in Queen’s Park.
True representative democracy is not about toeing the
party line. It is about ensuring that MPPs are able to
make change for their constituents in Queen’s Park. Being
able to speak and vote freely on the issues that matter to
their constituents is an integral part of this process.
To ensure that the voices of Ontarians are heard and
properly represented in Queen’s Park, an Ontario Party
government will:
Introduce MPP recall legislation that would establish a
process for voters to recall their MPP if they fail to
represent them in Queen’s Park.
Allow Ontario Party MPPs to have free vote on all bills,
ensuring that they are able to vote according to their
conscience and represent their constituents' voices.
Encourage Ontario Party MPPs to introduce private member
bills and not prevent the voting or passage of them.
Career Creation
Creating Business and Career Opportunities
The counterfeit “conservative” Doug Ford has betrayed
genuine conservative policies in every aspect of
governing. He’s happy to implement the disastrous
left-wing policies of both Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in
Ottawa and those of his Ontario Liberal predecessors in
the Premier’s office. Throughout the COVID crisis, he has
followed the dictates of the globalist World Economic
Forum in imposing brutal, independent business-killing
lockdowns and supported the federal policy of telling
everyone to stay home, turning on the money spigots and
hoping for the best, or maybe not even that!
Even in the area of outsourcing his party’s economic
policy direction to union activists, Ford followed the
hard-left lead. He raised the minimum wage to $15 per
hour, a policy he had correctly denounced as a “job
killer” when Kathleen Wynne proposed it a few years
previously. Ford explained this dramatic policy flip-flop
by saying he had consulted with labour leaders and raising
the minimum wage to $15 per hour was their number one
Snuggling up to unions that only eliminate competition and
erode the earning power of most workers while ruining the
economy is not good enough for Ontario.
The Ontario Party will take action to make Ontario fertile
for economic growth and career creation by encouraging a
return of the spirit of initiative, entrepreneurship, and
An Ontario Party government will:
Encourage entrepreneurship by reducing the paperwork and
cutting all fees associated with starting a business.
Provide generous tax benefits and wage subsidies to
businesses in the agricultural, food service, and
manufacturing sectors to employ native Ontarians, in
order to reduce demand for temporary foreign workers.
Spearhead the revitalization of the domestic automotive
industry in Ontario to compete with foreign auto
companies, put trade leverage back into Ontario’s hands,
and open up thousands of careers for Ontarians.
Ensure that is it mandatory that businesses accept cash
as payment for goods and services.
Energy Affordability
Reducing Energy and Fuel Prices
Doug Ford campaigned on promises to scrap the “Green
Energy Plan”, make Hydro leadership more accountable, and
deliver a 12% rate reduction. But Justin Trudeau’s best
friend just couldn’t say no to the Green Energy Lobby.
Ford has flip flopped on everything to do with energy
affordability. First, he gave in to Trudeau and embraced
Canada’s Paris Agreement commitments to reduce emissions
to 30% below 2005 level.
Then, Ford introduced his own carbon tax with an
industrial tax on “big emitters”, which would only be
passed on to consumers.
He handed out hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in
subsidies for purchasers of electric vehicles.
All of these things mean a higher cost of living.
Ford should have said “NO!” to the Paris Agreement and the
impossible spending that always goes along with “green
schemes”. He should have said “NO!” to an industrial
carbon tax that only drives up prices and discourages
business growth. He should have said “NO!” to electric
vehicle subsidies.
Ontario already had a huge electricity debt load thanks to
the bad management of his predecessors. He’s made it worse
because Justin Trudeau says that’s the way it has to be
and has turned out to be no different from Wynne and
The Ontario Party will take immediate steps to make energy
more affordable to Ontarians by eliminating “Green Energy”
scams and partnering with those who want to make Ontario
and our entire country energy self-sufficient.
An Ontario Party government will:
Partner with western provinces to push for an energy
corridor between Ontario and Alberta.
Eliminate the PST on gasoline and diesel while the price
is at elevated levels - saving 16 cents per liter at
today's gas prices.
Eliminate the provincial carbon tax and the industrial
carbon tax, and seek to challenge the federal carbon
Develop a strategic oil reserve to cushion consumers
during supply shocks and bolster demand in times of
A Rational Approach to Ontario’s Environment
The Ontario Party believes in clean air, clean water, and
clean soil.
We don’t believe in the kind of climate alarmism that
leads to ever more stringent regulations on Canadians,
while countries like China and others continue to increase
their emissions and take a greater share of our
manufacturing overseas. Much of our obsession with this
issue has resulted in disappearing manufacturing jobs, oil
pipeline projects scrapped or delayed, and skyrocketing
energy prices brought on by “green energy” schemes
embraced just as much by Doug Ford as they were by his
Liberal predecessors.
Doug Ford has been persuaded by his friend Justin Trudeau
to comply with the goals of the Paris Agreement on
limiting emissions. The Ontario Party will never bind our
province’s economy to unattainable and meaningless goals
that destroy our natural resource industries, increase the
cost of living for all Ontarians, and give China a carte
blanche to pollute.
The Ontario Party will always pursue rational, not
radical, measures which result in healthier lives.
An Ontario Party government will:
Support right-to-repair laws to keep appliances and
equipment out of landfills.
Completely ban the dumping of untreated waste into
bodies of water (which currently happens to the tune of
billions of liters per year in Canada)
Provide municipalities with funding to upgrade sewage
treatment to make this a reality
Focus on cleaning garbage out of our forests, lakes, and
Direct conservation authorities away from private
property and towards the management of public crown
Find more environmentally friendly pest control
management solutions that reduce reliance on pesticides
and airborne spraying of urban, suburban, and rural
Create more connections between green spaces across
Ontario and pass legislation to further protect the
Green Belt in order to restrain urban sprawl from
encroaching on agricultural land.
Developing Ontario’s Economic Potential
Not enough attention has been paid to the deterioration of
Ontario’s roads and other infrastructure over the past
decades. Damaged roads and bridges must be repaired, and
the Ontario Party has a plan to shore up resources to
perform these repairs.
Ford’s PC party likes to say Ontario is ‘Open For
Business’, but these are just words when not accompanied
by the development of communities, particularly in
Northern Ontario, that will be capable of attracting and
supporting businesses who want to set up shop there.
Northern Ontario communities must be able to attract
qualified employees by having all the amenities, like
health care services and schools. The communities must
also be made more accessible by highway and railway.
The Ontario Party will take all measures necessary to open
up Northern Ontario.
An Ontario Party government will:
Reducing environmental red tape for construction
projects in Northern Ontario.
Shore up resources to repair damaged roads and
infrastructure across Ontario.
- Expand railroad lines in Northern Ontario.
Add arteries from the Trans Canada Highway to townships
in Northern Ontario.
- Develop Northern townships with public amenities.